
Dockrey Apartments

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Dockrey Apartments offer excellent accommodation for families, couples, and singles. Our properties for rent are clean, well maintained, and extensively renovated. We take pride in our properties and are certain they will please.
Nova Scotia boasts a relaxed lifestyle in rural areas, towns, and cities. Nova Scotia has something to offer everyone, spectacular coastlines, beautiful countryside, internationally recognized educational institutions, sport and recreation second to none, competitive business climate and dynamic arts and cultural environment. Unique tourism, fantastic scenery and amazing natural phenomena.
Choose from the menu to find accommodation in Amherst or Truro, two of Nova Scotia's fastest growing communities, or to find tenant utilities and answer the Frequent questions asked between tenants and landlords.

snowing, icing, sleeting, storming, plowing, shovelling, sanding, and salting, are all taking place, in this Nova Scotia winter, please take care

lost cat found on the highway07 Jan 2008

This is Jett,
He was sitting in the middle of a bridge, over Hwy104, in the dark, in the slush, in the rain, 1am on Sunday, hurt and scared.
We took him home and tried to find his owners.
Jett had been hurt, hit by a car and broke too many bones, the vet had to put him to sleep. He was very young only four months old, very friendly except when the pain made him bite, he was still wearing his collar and bell, so he was a pet,
Goodbye little cat.
Try to be kind to everything, and everything is kind to you, I hope. I think thats what I want the world to be like

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