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Renters need insurance: university grad

Last updated Mar 9 2006 08:45 AM AST (being a few years old does not change validity) CBC News

A University graduate facing bankruptcy hopes his story leads to tenant insurance becoming mandatory in Nova Scotia.

Three years ago(22 years ago), Chris Dabrowski, 25(44), was in his last year at Dalhousie University when a fire blazed through the apartment he shared with three others.
The four former roommates are now being sued by their former landlord's insurance company.
One of Dabrowski's roommates accepted the blame because he had left a candle lit in his room and fell asleep. He didn't have tenant insurance, and now has declared bankruptcy.
Dabrowski is trying to avoid doing the same thing and is defending himself. He didn't have insurance either, yet if his parents had been paying his rent, he might have been covered under their policy.
"I was trying to do everything myself, and go through university myself without relying on anyone. Now, because of that, I'm being screwed more," Dabrowski said.
Don Forgeron, with the Insurance Bureau of Canada, said most tenants in Nova Scotia don't have insurance because they don't believe they need it.
"People think, 'I only have a few things, I'm only here for school,' not realizing that the primary purpose you have it is for liability protection," he said.
Dabrowski would like to see tenant insurance be made mandatory. He estimates that a $130-a-year($249 today) policy could have protected him from a lawsuit worth more than $20,000 ($54,936 today), his share of the costs to repair the building.
"The landlord's insurance company, maybe they should make it mandatory, because if they're going to go after the tenants anyhow when something happens, it would save everyone a lot of trouble," he said.
Dabrowski is selling T-shirts to cover some of his legal costs and let other renters know about his case.

End CBC article

The above document, reproduced courtesy of CBC, is the report of the aftermath of a tenancy accident.
After a fire in a rental property, the young tenants, have had their lives greatly affected, many people do not ever recover from bankruptcy.
The insurance company that insured the property is seeking restitution of its damages, resulting in one bankruptcy already and possibly more.
The landlord in the matter has nothing to do with the actions against the tenants and any difficulties such actions may cause, his (or her) insurance claim is complete. The insurer is trying to recover what it paid out from the person they deem responsible.
And its a fair fight (?) giant insurance company versus one person,
Tenant Insurance = backup,
Insurance company Vs. Insurance company.

All Dockrey Apartments leases require tenant insurance
Dockrey Apartments strongly reiterates the advice given in its 'Property rules' and the 'Frequently Asked Questions' for all other tenants to obtain tenants' insurance.
Dockrey Apartments does not receive any commission or fee from any insurance agent or company
Tenant insurance does not reduce or remove any requirement for Dockrey Apartments' or other landlord's insurance.
Dockrey Apartments gains no benefit if the tenant obtains insurance, only the tenant gains benefit.
Please obtain tenants insurance

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